Practice rules
I have agreements with health insurers for the reimbursement of physiotherapy treatments. If I can declare the cost directly to your insurer then I will declare the costs as agreed. You won't notice a thing, if you are insured for physiotherapy.
For all treatments for which no price agreements have been made with your health insurer that, may not be (completely) reimbursed by your health insurer or that fall outside your insurance, you will be billed (partly) for a private physiotherapy session.
You, the patient, are always responsible for the financial settlement of any bills from De I Fysio. When the health insurer does not reimburse the treatment, you are responsible for the financial settlement. If the health insurer does not reimburse the treatment you will be billed for a private physiotherapy session.
Appointments that are canceled within 24 hours of the booked appointment will be billed as a missed appointment. If I don't answer the phone leave a message on the answerphone, it shows a time registration, and will show whether you canceled on time.
You, the patient, are yourself responsible for ensuring that, when needed, a treatment extension is requested. If you have requested this too late, any intermediate appointments that the health insurer does not reimburse will be billed as a private physiotherapy session.
Hygiene :
- You are required to bring a large towel for use on the treatment table.
- For the benefit of all patients you are kindly requested to observe the general hygiene rules.